Registration Information

Address of Patient
Cell Phone Belongs To

Has the patient ever been in this office before?
Has any other member of your family had orthodontic care at this office?
Did he/she refer you to our office?

Is the patient a minor?

Parent/Guardian #1
Same address as patient
Add 2nd Parent/Guardian
Parent/Guardian #2
Same address as patient
Medical History
Does the patient have or has he/she ever had:
Abnormal Blood Pressure
Prolonged Bleeding
Frequent Headaches
Radiation Therapy
Rheumatic Fever
Asthma or Breathing Problem
Heart Disease
Sinus Trouble/Hay Fever
Heart Murmur
Autoimmune Disorder
Hepatitis or Liver Problems
Tuberculosis or Lung Disease
Cancer or Leukemia
Herpes/Venereal Disease
Congenital Heart Defect

Does the patient have or has he/she ever had Allergies to:
Local Anesthetic
Allergy to Other Medication

Other Allergies

Pregnant (if yes, due date)?
Due Date
Dental Insurance Information
Do you have dental insurance that may cover any part of orthodontic services?
Policy Holder Date of Birth
Effective Date
If more than one dental insurance, is this one:
Do you have additional dental insurance?
Dental Policy Holder Date of Birth
Effective Date

Consent Signatures
I certify that the information I have provided today is complete and accurate. I also understand that it is my responsibility to inform the office of any changes regarding my (or my child's) medical health. I authorize the dental staff to perform necessary dental services that I, or my child, may need during diagnosis and treatment.
I authorize my doctor and his / her designated staff, to perform an examination, for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment planning. If medically necessary, I authorize the release of any information acquired in the course of my examination and treatment to my other doctors and/or insurance carriers. I hereby acknowledge that a copy of this office's Notice of Privacy Practices has been made available to me. I have been given the opportunity to ask any questions regarding this Notice.
I permit messages to be left on my phone and/or mobile phone(s) concerning appointments, treatment, insurance, and my account.